A Day in the Life at Opti-Float - How Austin Devillier is Navigating Projects and Making an Impact at Cox Research Chris CoxJune 14, 2024
Between flush and faucet: California approves turning sewage into drinking water Chris CoxJanuary 15, 2024
Mitigating New Orleans’ Salty Water Crisis Disaster ReliefChris CoxOctober 27, 2023new orleans, saltwater, water managementComment
5 Reasons to Visit Cox Research and Technology's Booth at WEFTEC 2023 Chris CoxSeptember 25, 2023weftec, water management, waste water management, optifloatComment
Unlocking a Sustainable Future by Harnessing the Potential of Wastewater Chris CoxSeptember 13, 2023waste water management, water management, waste water solution, sustainability, energy, level detector float
Safer than Intrinsically Safe? Chris CoxAugust 18, 2023safety, innovation, invention, patent, level detector float, technology
Clewiston, Florida: An OptiFloat Case Study on Enhancing a City’s Efficiency and Safety Case StudiesChris CoxJuly 28, 2023control panel, lift station, level detector float, water management
Innovative Solutions: Cutting-Edge Water Treatment and Float Technology Take Center Stage Product ReviewChris CoxJuly 5, 2023innovation, waste water management, waste water solution