Environmental Sustainability and the Opti-Float
Patents for water level float detectors and switches can be traced back to the late 1800s. Although float technology has evolved tremendously since its invention, float detector failures are still a common occurrence within wastewater treatment facilities.
The hazardous conditions of wastewater treatment facilities were not taken into account when developing traditional float detectors. Traditional floats are typically made from mechanical and electrical components such as stainless steel and copper wires. However, wet and flammable conditions of treatment facilities cause these materials to experience corrosion and electrical issues beyond the regular wear and tear of mechanical systems. Continuous float failure can lead to high maintenance costs, dangerous work conditions, and environmental disasters, such as the wastewater spill at the West Point treatment facility near Seattle. In 2017, a power outage caused the Washington treatment plant to experience float failure, resulting in 30 million gallons of untreated water dumped in Puget Sound.
We created the Opti-Float level detector as a solution to the standard use of combustible materials and an untouched system of using failing devices to maintain important water systems. Opti-Float was built with the intent to withstand the conditions of treatment facilities, eliminate float failures, and reduce wastewater disasters. By swapping corrodible metals and electrical wires with recyclable plastic, fiber optic cables, and a polyurethane sheath, the Opti-Float is immune to breakage, overheating, and electrical surges.
Although mechanical float detectors are currently the standard, it’s time for the wastewater industry to head in a direction that values environmental safety. Contrary to common belief, better doesn’t always mean more complicated. The Opti-Float’s use of LED light to signal water levels instead of electricity, virtually eliminates the need for Intrinsically Safe Relays. Additionally, the safe and easy plug and play assembly streamlines implementation and requires little to no maintenance saving facilities time and money while reducing toxic environmental incidents.
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